How To Stop Puppy Biting

Give me just 35 minutes and I’ll show you how to stop puppy biting forever…

How to Stop My Puppy Biting & Nipping

Let me show you how you can completely stop puppy biting and nipping, using kind, gentle and effective puppy training techniques.

One thing you can count on when bringing home a new puppy is the fact that he will nip and bite at your fingers during the first few days or weeks. This is perfectly normal and there is no reason to get alarmed that you may have purchased an aggressive dog.

However, like any behaviour you wish to change about your dog, you need to take a few steps so that he learns that nipping is not something you as a human, with delicate flesh and fingers that weren’t invented as a puppy chew toy, want him to continue doing.

So how do you change this natural puppy biting habit so your fingers are safe along with those of your children, friends, family and guests who may not appreciate a nip on the finger from a razor share puppy tooth?

Well the first thing we need to do is evaluate our puppy’s biting against his / her current age.

This is important because puppies under the age of about 15 weeks need to be handled a little differently when it comes to mouthing and nipping than puppies over the age of 15 weeks.

If your puppy is brand new and younger than the 15 week period, the following tips can help you control his nipping behavior:

1. Start to show your puppy that you appreciate licking instead of nipping. When he changes his behavior and licks at your fingers or hands, be sure to praise him very lovingly. You can also encourage your puppy to lick more often by rubbing a little butter or coconut oil on your fingers. Let him know by soothing caresses that what he is doing is a good thing with each lick.

2. If your puppy is still biting or nipping at your fingers and he is just been fed and really doesn’t need anything in its mouth, set him aside with a nice bone for a little while. This is where a crate would come in handy. Place the dog in the crate for a short period of time so that he can divert his mouthing attention to his favorite bone. And it is very important not to yell at or scold your puppy along the way. You must create a positive learning environment.

3. Whenever the puppy bites down hard on your fingers or hand, use a disciplinary tone of voice and give a command such as “No No” while looking sharply into his eyes. Hold this firm demeanor for a few moments and then immediately change your body language and go back to whatever it is you’re doing before, and with a soothing approach. Doing this procedure a few times is enough for your puppy to learn the command and to stop biting down hard when he is commanded.

Now – this is really important
The tips above may stop puppy biting in the short term. However, we know from the HUGE volume of emails we receive that puppy biting can actually be a real problem and genuine worry for many owners.
Particularly if you have an active pup who just loves to nip. Nobody wants to find their time with their pup to be an unpleasant, even painful experience and this is particularly true if you have children or friends who are being nipped.

It’s for this very reason that we’ve put together what is resoundingly acknowledged as the most complete, easy to follow guide to cure puppy biting within just 35 minutes.

Here’s how it works:

1 – Download our ‘Cure Puppy Biting’ guide
2 – Spend 35 minutes reading and properly digesting all of the different techniques
3 – Implement them immediately, dependant on your particular type of puppy biting problem.


The guide is written in very simple language and contains all the techniques you could ever need to solve your puppy biting problems right now, immediately.

Inside the guide you will not only find expert information from experienced, professional dog behaviourists – you’ll also learn just why it’s absolutely vital that you nip puppy biting in the bud, teach puppy bite inhibition and learn to fully understand the various types of bites.

It contains nothing but pure gold in terms of the guidance and information you require to solve your puppy biting problem today.

In fact, we’ve even set up relationships with dog trainers so that – should the guide NOT cure your puppy’s biting problem with immediate results – we’ll connect you with a dog trainer / behaviourist who can work with you one to one to get the problem fixed before it gets out of hand.

It’s important to remember that puppy biting and nipping is in fact a very natural behaviour. But it’s also crucial to be aware that a lack of proper behaviour management and teaching a young dog about bite inhibition and showing them social boundaries is one of the leading causes of dog bites from adult dogs.

Incredibly, the large majority of serious dog bites from adult dogs are born as a result of a lack of proper socialisation and bite inhibition training from their owners when they were in the key life stages in their formative weeks and months.

So – don’t delay, don’t take any chances – download ‘Cure Puppy Biting’ today and see for yourself the EXACT steps you can implement within just 35 minutes to stop your puppy biting forever and become a real, genuine expert in learning to recognise and correct undesirable dog biting.

The guide is instantly accessible (even if it’s 2:00am on a Saturday morning!) and contains a bonus chapter on how to avoid being bitten by an adult dog (crucial information that can be a life saver).

About the Book
In this eBook we will present to you a simple, easy to follow guide on the causes of puppy biting and the techniques and strategies you can deploy to solve the problem using kind, effective methods.

What we are seeking to achieve with this guide is to give all the information you require to recognise problems and to put in place the right behavioural modification techniques to nip them in the bud (if you’ll excuse the pun!)

Our many thousands of happy, satisfied customers don‟t purchase our eBooks for the sake of saying that they have one. They purchase our guides because they want to solve a specific problem and they want to do it today.

Download the ‘Cure Puppy Biting’ Guide – here.


Lots of dog owners have been trying to stop puppies from biting without even knowing in the first place why puppies bite. According to Isaac Newton, every action is a result of an opposite reaction.

Everything happens for a purpose and for a reason. Your puppy will bite because of certain reasons, which if you study will help you in creating a good old dog as a friend. The main reason why puppies bite is as a result of TEETHING.

The teething period is a stage when puppies are cutting new teeth. This is mostly between the age of 4 to 6 months and the maximum age is 10 months. A nursing mother once told me about her experience when her toddler was passing through the teething stage too. How painful it was for her little baby girl. In the same way it is also painful for puppies passing through this stage of having loose teeth hanging in their mouths.

Puppies’ jaws are weak and for them to inhibit the force of their jaws as a result of these new teeth they gnaw, mouth and even play-bite to sooth the gums around the teeth. The combination of weak jaws with extremely sharp, needle-like teeth and the puppy penchant for biting results in numerous play-bites which, although painful, seldom cause serious harm.

Thus, the developing pup receives ample necessary feedback regarding the force of its bites before it develops strong jaws – which could inflict considerable injury. The greater the pup’s opportunity to play-bite with people, other dogs and other animals, the better the dog’s bite inhibition as an adult. For puppies that do not grow up with the benefit of regular and frequent interaction with other dogs and other animals, the responsibility of teaching bite inhibition lies with the owner.

All puppies love to play by being mouthy and biting or chewing anything they can get their sharp little teeth into. These sharp teeth are the reason that it is crucial for puppies to learn bite inhibition (controlling the force of their bite) during the first few months of life. Normally this is learned naturally and effectively through contact with its mother and other littermates. If the puppy bites its mother during nursing, the mother can roll the puppy over to correct it or just get up and walk away.

Lack of socialisation of puppies: It is very important to socialize your puppy if you want to have happy dog. Lack of socialisation of your puppy between the age of 3 wks to 3mths with your environment, your children, other people and other dogs can also lead to growling which can lead to biting.

Download the ‘Cure Puppy Biting’ Guide – here.

Cure Puppy Biting

Download the ‘Cure Puppy Biting’ Guide – here.